Sunday 14 July 2019 Prayer of the Faithful


Celebrant: To the Lord of love and Father of compassion let us lift up our hearts in prayer:

  1. That our Church and parish community may be a place of welcome and a community of support to all our neighbours: let us pray to the Lord.
  2. That all nations, governments, and institutions may be committed to making the justice and peace of God a reality for all the world’s peoples: let us pray to the Lord.
  3. That pastors, preachers, teachers, and religious educators may instruct their students in the ways of God’s love and compassion: let us pray to the Lord.
  4. That those who care for the sick, the recovering, and the dying may see, in their patients, the person of Jesus: let us pray to the Lord.
  5. That the victims of violence and abuse may be restored to health and wholeness of spirit and dignity: let us pray to the Lord.
  6. That those who have died may experience the peace of the Risen Christ, “the first-born of the dead”: let us pray to the Lord.
  7. That God will bless those for whom we now pray in the silence of our hearts:

Compassionate God, Father of all humanity, hear the prayers we offer. Give us eyes of faith to see all men and women as our brothers and sisters, and hearts of love to welcome them as your children.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

See Today’s Readings


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