Friday June 28, 2019 – Sacred Heart of Jesus (Solemnity) Prayer of the Faithful


PRIEST: My brothers and sisters, God our Father loved us so much that he sent his only Son to be the Good Shepherd, who gave his life for us. We make our prayers to our loving Lord for all the needs of our Church and world.

READER: For leaders of the Church, (pause) may they, imitating the Good Shepherd, be loving and compassionate towards those committed to their care, and for whom they give their lives in loving service. Father, be with us; to love and lead us we pray Oh Lord.

For leaders of nations traditionally distrustful to each other, (pause) may the break down barriers which divide, build bridges which unite and reconcile, and seek a just compromise by which their countries may learn to live in lasting peace. Father, be with us; to love and lead us we pray Oh Lord.

For those who suffer physical or mental illness, (pause) may they be encouraged by the love of Jesus to unite their suffering with the Sacred Heart of him who died in order to reconcile them to the Father. Father, be with us; to love and lead us we pray Oh Lord.

For a sprit of joy in the community, (pause) may the amazing grace won for us by Christ be our source of joy, so that nothing casts us down or separates us from his love. Father, be with us; to love and lead us we pray Oh Lord.

We make our private petitions in silence to God, who knows the hidden secrets of our hearts.

PRIEST: Father, you love and care for us, and with confidence in your unfailing tenderness, we have made our prayers to you Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

See Today’s Reflection


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