Saturday June 29, 2019 – SS Peter and Paul APP (Solemnity) Prayer of the Faithful


PRIEST: My brothers and sisters, Saint Peter and Saint Paul and, in union with them, we pray to the Lord for all the graces for the Church in today’s world.

READER: For the Pope, (pause) may the successor of Saint Peter be so guided by the Holy Spirit and strengthened in faith and love that the world will listen to his voice. Hear us, Lord; increase our faith we pray Oh Lord.

May they understand that the differences between Saint Peter and Saint Paul were finally resolved by their common desire to proclaim the divinity of Jesus Christ, and may all Christians follow their example of unity in Christ. Hear us, Lord; increase our faith we pray Oh Lord.

For those whose faith is weak, (pause) may they be given the grace, like Saint Peter, to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ , the Son of God, and, on this rock, to build their faith. Hear us, Lord; increase our faith we pray Oh Lord.

For a greater apostolic spirit in the Church, pause may all Christians be inspired by the example of Saint Paul, who became the great apostle of the Gentiles, because of his desire to preach the gospel to everyone. Hear us, Lord; increase our faith we pray Oh Lord.

In the silence of faith, we make our private petitions to God our Father, who loves us.

PRIEST: Father, may the prayers we have made, in union with Saint Peter and Saint Paul, bring about the spread of your kingdom. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

See Today’s Reflection


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